Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Tough Mudder Insanity Max and P90X3 Workout Schedule

My husband and I will be doing the Tough Mudder for the second time at the end of next month! I wanted to develop a workout schedule for us! Since we love these two programs and have seen great results with both, I decided to make a hybrid for Insanity Max 30 and P90X3! Together we should get ripped, right?!?!

Our Running Schedule
So here's the plan!  We are going to run 1 mile on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 2 miles on Wednesday with a long run on Saturdays.  We will run up to 9 miles before the race.  You can choose how long you would like your long run to be.  As a general rule of thumb we increase our miles by 1 mile each week.  You may need to reverse engineer your miles so that you are able to achieve your goal miles before your Tough Mudder is scheduled!

Here is our workout schedule in addition to our running! Note that in month 3 there are two workouts for P90X3.  You will want to alternate the workouts each week.  For example the first Tuesday you will do Agility X and the second Tuesday you will do MMX.

I WILL conquer those monkey bars this year!!!

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