Wednesday, October 30, 2019

This is How I Fight My Battles....

I woke up, eyes wide open at 4:52 am this morning with a renewed heart and mind.  Laying in bed, I prayed. SPECIFIC prayers as my friend Heather encouraged me to do.

Prayers for…

~Discernment of God’s voice rather than Satan’s condemnation.

~Freedom from the obsessive thoughts of food.

~Peace in knowing that I CAN and WILL be healthy when I lean on HIM and not my own understanding of what a meal plan should look like.

~JOY, because the obsessive thoughts are stealing my joy, distracting me in the present, and making me feel like a failure.

I walked straight past the scale this morning and immediately felt empowered.

A year and a half of weighing every single morning, the scale has no power over me. It will not define me. Control my day. Tell me my worth in this world.

Walking to the laundry room, I fumbled to find “Surrounded” on Spotify, as it played, I belted it out, weeping, voicing my cry, as I folded a load of laundry at 5am!

I am proclaiming victory in this!

While the enemy wants to feed me full of lies of…
~You’re going to gain weight.
~You need a meal plan.
~You can’t do this on your own.
~You’ve tried before and failed.

I know that God has given me this mountain so that I can show others that it CAN be moved.

Satan's lies will not hold me from glorifying God in this journey.

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