Sweet Sister in Christ,
As the the decade comes to a close and we embark on a new journey, can I challenge you to invite God to renew your heart, mind, body, spirit?
Some of you may pray for a word in 2020. A word that brings meaning, promise, purpose, encouragement. Can I challenge you to pray about a new identity in Christ as well?
What does God call you?
God changed people’s names in the Bible too many times to count in order to help them form a new identity in Him.
What would it look like if our new identity in 2020 was God led and God breathed?
God changed Abram’s name to Abraham which means “father of multitude.” Sarah, Abraham’s wife’s name was changed from “Sarai” to “Sarah” meaning “mother of nations.” Look at the promises held within these names. God promised that Abraham, although old and frail, a ripe old age of 100, the least likely to bare children, would be the father of many nations.
He took the least likely, the sinners, the lowly, the weak, and promised newness within.
Take a look at the Apostle Paul, an integral pillar, church planter, and trailblazer for the early Chritisan church. He wrote at least 8, some say 13 books in the New Testament. Who was Paul before becoming an unapologetic, Christ follower, fisher of men? He was a murderer and persecutor of the very same Christians he would some day lead back to Christ. He was born to Jewish parents, a Roman citizen, and stood firm in his Jewish beliefs. Until God showed up. Isn’t that just like Him? To call the least likely? The most ironic person to further His kingdom. Paul was perhaps the most famous, dramatic conversion in the Bible.
God wants to renew you as well, sister friend.
We can’t and won’t stay here, in despair, disbelief, trapped in thoughts of unworthiness. When we lean on Him, His promises, His truths, His verbiage on who He sees us to be, we can take on any obstacle or disappointment that may come our way in 2020. Will you choose to find encouragement in Him?
In the last several days I have stumbled upon this verse several times. Sometimes (okay a lot of the time) I need to be knocked up side the head over and over to really, truly get it...God usually speaks to me in threes...maybe it takes three times for it to sink in.
This verse is from 2 Corinthians 5:17 Amplified Bible version.
17 Therefore if anyone is in Christ [that is, grafted in, joined to Him by faith in Him as Savior], he is a new creature [reborn and renewed by the Holy Spirit]; the old things [the previous moral and spiritual condition] have passed away. Behold, new things have come [because spiritual awakening brings a new life].
Girl, you are made new because Jesus lives within you. While completely and totally blameless, He was tortured, pierced, broken, beaten and nailed to a cross for that spiritual renewal within us. Will you grasp onto that? Accept His gift? Believe it? Live it?
2019 may have given you a sucker punch but 2020 brings spiritual renewal for those who believe.
The old is gone, cast as far as the east is from the west.
He promises newness within you.
Spiritual awakening, new life, new vision, new dreams, new adventures.
We have a choice to wallow in unanswered prayers, disappointments, setbacks, and failures or to be redeemed by Him, His promises, His truths.
Will you dig deep with me?
Will you lean in?
Get in the word?
Invite God to show you who He sees you being in 2020?
What does He call you?
What is your new name?
I cautiously want to share some of the words I have stumbled upon in the last couple of months. Please get in the word and find His names that He calls you, the ones that jump out of the page, and resonate deep within your heart, giving you chills. My words may be different than yours so do some digging on your own. Comment below with what He has shared with you in your quiet time.
These are the names that have resonated with me…
Fully known, deeply loved Psalm 139
Predestined, Ephesians 1:5
An heir, 1 Peter 1:4
Justified, Titus 3:7
Set apart, Jeremiah 1:5
Called, John 15:16
Qualified, Colossians 1:12
Chosen, 2 Thsessalonians 2:13
Glorified, Romans 8:30
God’s special possession, 1 Peter 2:9
Renewed, 2 Corinthians 4:16
Reclaimed, Isaiah 43:1
Forgiven, 1 John 2:12
Redeemed, Isaiah 44:22
Here’s a little homework for you…
Get in His word. If you don’t have a quiet time already, please commit to doing so in 2020. I like to get up before anyone else wakes in the house, that ensures that my quiet time is truly quiet, and God can reveal Himself to my that day. Some good resources that I use are the Proverbs 31 Ministries First 5 app, YouVersion Bible App, and The One Year Chronological Bible. Grab a pen and a highlighter and wait with sweet anticipation that God will reveal your identity in Him for 2020.
Stay deeply rooted, sweet sister. For when God is working the enemy is fighting against His good and perfect plan.
I love you so much and I am so excited to hear how God is working in and through you in 2020.
Here’s to feeling and living totally and completely loved, firmly planted in who He sees us to be in 2020!
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