Dear Child,
I give you permission to fail.
In fact, I insist that you do.
I give you permission to fail.
In fact, I insist that you do.
While that may seem cruel and unusual in our current culture of parenting, it’s my way of teaching you how to be a grown adult.
I will abstain from Pinteresting the best science project and recreating it for you. That is your job, not mine.
I will no longer bring you a forgotten lunch box, school project, soccer cleats, etc. You need to learn the consequences of your irresponsibility.
I will no longer hover on the playground, intercede when you have a conflict with others, meddle in your friend circle, or pretend to be your best friend. I am not your friend, I am your parent whom you will respect.
I will no longer coddle and protect beyond reason. You need to learn how to deal with disappointments and failures all on your own.
In my vow to let go, there’s an opportunity for growth, learning, development, empowerment, awareness of self, and independence.
An opportunity to help you see the world through a different lens.
An opportunity to discover your own unique you, outside of me.
A chance for you to explore your abilities and capabilities.
Dear child, you are destined to do amazing things not because I do them for you but because God has made you for such a time as this.
If I continue to force my agenda in your life there is no opportunity for you to see your own God given, God breathed, God and Spirit led potential.
This promise comes out of love and surrender.
Giving your life over to you and your Creator.
Trusting that you will faithfully follow His plan and purpose in your life in every single thing that you do.
My sole/soul responsibility is to build a strong foundation in that faith alone.
To lead you and point you to Him in our daily living which in turn will help you live a prosperous life built on a Rock and foundation that cannot and will not be shaken.
There is only meant to be one Redeemer and Rescuer in your life and that is not me.
There is only meant to be one Redeemer and Rescuer in your life and that is not me.
Loving you always,
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