Wednesday, January 6, 2016

New Year, New Family Goals

A friend of mine requested that I blog about family fitness! So here goes! It's so EASY to let the kiddos sit at home on their electronics and totally dismiss the fact that physical activity (at least 1 hour per day for children 6 years and older per the American Academy of Pediatrics) is an important part in a child's physical development and overall health! So where do you begin???

1) If it's nice outside, it is not unreasonable to make them go outside and play or ride bikes or scooters (in a safe environment of course)! Better yet, get outside with them! Make a fun relay race or a competitive race around the house! Set up cones and play soccer as a whole family!

2) Find a sport that your child enjoys! Not all children enjoy sports but the rule in our family is that you have to choose 1 physical activity per season, Summers are off!

3) Train for a 5K together as a family! Want to get those competitive juices flowing??? Run a 5K as a family! The couch to 5K program is a great place to start ( AND if you have little bitty ones you can push them in a stroller!

We have trained our children on how to properly use the treadmill (age 9 and 10) and they run when outside weather does not permit them going outside.

4) Go swimming together! This is difficult to do in the winter if there aren't indoor swimming options available in your area.

5) 3) Workout together as a family! The options are ENDLESS!!! My children LOVE Adventures in Fitness found on Roku  It is a fun-filled little workout that doesn't seem much like a workout but my children definitely SWEAT and have a good time while doing it! OR last but definitely NOT least, you can choose an at home workout for your family to enjoy together! There are many options in the Beachbody library of home workouts (I wouldn't recommend weight lifting for small children) and I would be more than happy to help you find the BEST possible fit for you and your little fam! One of our childrens' favorites is Cize, a dance workout!

Encourage one another! Positively reinforce your children in the area of physical movement! This will foster a life long appreciation for physical heath and fitness!

Have questions? Maybe I didn't cover something you need more information about??? Please reach out to me at!

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